My previous post detailed the importance of organizing toys in the home to maximize communication opportunities during play time. This post will highlight some of the steps I took this summer to organize my own materials. Thanks to Pinterest and some AMAZING SLP blogs, I added several, new units to my work collections, but I had to get these ready before the school year started.
Step 1: Sort all paper materials and divide them into collections. Since I LOVE working in themes, I had a multitude of plans for each season of the year. Once I looked at all the piles, I purchased the largest binders I could find at Walmart and I invested in over 100 clear page protectors.
Step 2: In order to keep all the manipulatives that went with the seasonal units together, I purchased 10 small, 3-ring zipper cases at Walmart for a $1 each so I could store them in the respective binders.
Step 3: Some of my theme units were quite large and too bulky for the binders, so I found some inexpensive bins at Walmart. I have three in my office in an Elementary school right now. One has a collection of articulation bugs (Thanks to Breanna at Let's Talk SLP) with some decorative grass and bug catchers so kids can search for their target sound bugs in the bin. Another has a collection of literacy units for the fall and winter with books and manipulatives housed in oversized Ziploc bags. Finally, the bin pictured below has a collection of pirate themed articulation lessons (Again, thanks to Breanna at Let's Talk SLP) that includes game boards, gold coins with target sounds printed on them, mini treasure boxes so kids can collect their coins (purchased at Oriental Trader,) and an array of pirate stickers. As you can see, there's room for more in the bin, so I plan on copying a pirate unit from Jenna at Speech Room News in the near future!

Step 4: All remaining papers were filed into the following binders:
Phonological- includes a book purchased for $1 at Walmart on rhymes
Articulation- houses all the seasonal dabbers pages that I discussed in my "Go to Speech Lesson" post and holds a 3-ring case with Jenna's articulation fries from Speech Room News.
Apraxia- parent education, worksheets, and lesson plans
Multiple Meanings- units galore
Feeding and Oral Motor- handouts, intake sheets, power point presentations
Autism- parent education, social story samples, social language group plans
Misc. Language lessons- includes mini units about categories, wh questions, and sequencing
Larger collections required thicker binders! |
It is so important to sort what
you have first before buying binders. |