Let's Talk Turkey- a category member naming activity for Thanksgiving

Object: Students move one turkey square on a November calendar for each correct category member provided.

This activity began with a catchy title and love for creating thematic lessons.  Let's Talk Turkey strives to get students to think about providing more than one correct answer to each question about Turkey day.  This time, instead of creating a game board, I decided to design a November calendar page that can be copied for each student.  The intent is to move one turkey space for every correct answer.  This approach is a change of pace from the typical competitive game play with peers as it encourages students to take a little more processing time and challenge themselves to recall several, category members.  Follow this link to get your November 2012 calendar for this game!

Since some directions have a limited number of answer choices, I would encourage you to have students use their best, spelling ability to write down answers for your review.  This link has a Thanksgiving decorated page that includes 11 directions and game objectives. 