Speech and Language Pirate Sensory Bin

Ahoy Mattes!  I'm here to share a quick treasure that you can put together for your early elementary students just in time for national, "Talk like a pirate day" on Friday, September 19th.  This fun activity should surely keep you from walking the plank!  Arrrrrrr!

I picked up the rocks, blue beaded necklaces, and measuring cups at my local dollar store; mini treasure chest at oriental trading; and miscellaneous jewels and coins from my son's stash.  Anything shiny that you have at home should get the job done!

Language targets/ following directions:
Big, medium, small
First, next, last
Color identification
Shape concepts (i.e., Find something round)
"Put in" the treasure chest

Speech targets:
Dig, scoop, in, out
Naming colors
Labeling sizes/ shapes
First practice 25 speech targets, then dig for 25 treasures